f[a.l.l.ow] Where fallow may imply a period when nothing seems to happen, or in the case of a field, when it is left dormant to restore its fertility, within the structure of…
My first hint that plants could be used as dyestuff can be traced back to growing up with family Easter traditions. Following my mother’s Polish roots, each year we would prepare a…
For days when the mundane seems less than memorable, remember, the mundane is really where the amazing gift of being begins … This inspiring amazingness manifesto comes from London, UK, based photographer,…
It is the season when we look to the trees for budding encouragement of spring. I welcome the miracle of a lush greening transformation as much as I welcome the skeletal baring…
Last summer was hot. I took refuge daily in a huge studio space that seemed like a slightly cooler place to be … and I had good reason to as I had…
To counter the long deep freeze and sometimes grey skies of this Ontario winter: 1) boil the skins of onions 2) prepare a lovely silk mordanted with alum and submerge it in…
I just recently stumbled upon this fabulous quote by Elsie de Wolfe. It was typed up by Mary Petrzilka (farmflea on Esty) with a 1939 German typewriter. I didn’t really know anything about…
I once had a dream that I came across some never before seen Picasso paintings. In earth tones, with smudge marks that looked like the leaf stained sidewalks you see after the…
The first piece I remember making with Japanese paper, some15 years ago, was on a bluish paper, likely dyed with indigo, where I drew little dots with black walnut ink in a…
Breathing in the fragrant morning air on a run in High Park, my friend Denise spotted a spring crop of horsetail. Equisetum, or horsetail, is a rare “living fossil” with a life line…